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ABOUT pamela

           the yes coach

Taking you to YES!

Pamela Heath Life Coach, Personal Coach, Success Coach, Corporate Coach, Business Coach, Executive Coach, Speaker, Group & Team Coaching, Individual Empowerment & Support, Elevate Self Esteem 

Qualified and Certified Life Coach.

I started Strategic YES Training with the intention to give away what it took for me to give up my negative thought patterns and achieve success. 

I'm a graduate of the University of Southern California's School of Journalism, though I did not pursue a journalism career. Officially, I began as a Life Coach in April 2013. I was 57 years old and I quit my last J‑O-B in September of 2012. I promised myself I would never go back to working a J‑O‑B for a living. I did this with no savings and no capital with only myself, my car which had a large car note and insurance payment to maintain monthly and a trunk with my desktop computer, printer and clothes. And, of course, my cell phone. 

I didn’t realize it until recently but, I’ve actually spent most of my adult life training to coach others. Back in 1991 I took a transformational program that turned my life around. From that time until this time I’ve been studying what it is to support, empower and source others to be the best they can be, confront what they considered they were unwilling to confront and to go further than they ever believed or thought they would have the capacity to go in their lives whether it is in business, career, romance or life in general. 

At the time, I was working in a law firm, which I had been working at for about 17 years. I started there as a temporary employee, working as a Legal Secretary and ended up being their Legal Administrator handling their network administration and senior assistant to the managing partner. At the same time, I was expanding in the training and development at the transformational company, graduating from being a participant in their programs to taking on a leadership role and supervising their programs and eventually being trained to lead their programs. The whole environment of working and interacting with attorneys and clients gave me a powerful foundation that was efficient and logical and which contributed to the environment of transformation and support in a unique combination which made me an edgy force to be reckoned with. I led seminars and supervised programs until 2007. 

After I completed my tenure as a Seminar Leader and Coach, I tried my hand at coaching another transformational program which was based on the premise was that you could alter any behavior pattern in concentrated effort in 90 Days. I coached a team of people with this powerful technology, including a client in India and both my younger sisters. 

Much of what I have accomplished today I owe to these pivotal programs. 

Early on in 2013 I recognized that my way of coaching had a unique style to it. In different conversations with friends and in utilizing my skills at coaching, I now recognize that style as a positive influence to empower people to go for their dreams and take on anything they want and realize their potential because they can have anything they want out of life. I’m a “YES” to anything is possible. 

I’m in my late fifties and just starting to realize that this is supposed to be ‘mid’ life for me and I feel like I’m just getting started! 

I come from a large family with seven children. I was the middle and oldest girl. I married relatively late in life. I was 31 years old and had almost given up that I would find Mr. Right. I had three children; one baby girl died at birth and my first child died at the age of 30 in 2007 by her own hand. I had to rise above a difficult childhood where I experienced poverty, tragedy and devastating issues. Through it all I persevered and now deliver a powerful program to impact people and have them win in life. 

I’m here to give away what it takes to achieve success and how – no matter where you are in life – you can achieve outrageous fortune. Success is realized by anyone who is first willing to define it and then go after it. I enjoy being with people when success happens for them because of their own decision to make it happen. And success doesn't have to be that elusive thing that you wish for and hope to experience someday. You can live the dream today! You must simply decide NOW to be a YES to what it is that you want and then GO AFTER IT and start by removing the things that hold you back or drag you down. The partnership that develops between the coach and client is meaningful, exciting and dynamic. Together, you and I will create a life and career path that suits you best. And I believe your life will evolve as a result of the coaching process. 

I had two children who I raised to adulthood.  My eldest child, my daughter, died in 2007.  My son, Anthony and I currently live in Los Angeles, California. 


Strategic YES Training’s mission is to contribute and make a difference on the planet by providing individuals and organizations with the opportunity to generate their goals, achievements and results from a positive mindset grounded in the adamant belief that you can have anything you want in life that you are willing to SAY you want. Individuals will be a YES to Life, Love & Career. Their dreams and visions are a foregone conclusion and they operate from the knowledge that what they create for the future is a done deal. Organizations will be a YES to growth and empowering their staff and managers to have their lives fulfilled by their performance at work. Everybody wins with no one and nothing left out. 

Mission Statement
Certifications & Qualifications
  • Graduate, University of California School of Journalism

  • Qualified & Certified Life Coach

  • GAME Certified Coach

  • Landmark Seminar Leader and Coach 

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